The San Francisco and Houston-based Ant Farm is a group of philosophers, film-makers, politicians, and architects who live a nomadic and collectively organized Iife scattered throughout Texas and California. Every member of the community is an active participant in the realization of social actions that range from building buildings, to making objects, records, video tapes and demonstrations. Their sense of cohesion is extraordinary. The operations performed on one coast are nearly identical to the operations that other members of the group may excogitate on the other. The underground spirit of the group has sent out an army of termites into the subsoil of American officialdom.
Fundamentally, Ant Farm are artists hell-bent on the destruction of America's myths and public values, through performances and through the political transmissions of the underground TVTV station—Top Value Television. A policy of guerilla video offers information radically different from what is available on ordinary American television.

The contrast between the inside and the outside of the house is extraordinarily violent. It stands out against the sylvan background in which it is placed like some enormous and extraneous Lunar Module landed there by accident after having missed the nearby NASA base. And all while managing to look a little art deco. Inside the house, one is immediately struck by the reminiscence of something animal and organic. The inner shell is twisted and shaped in such a way as to form all of the furniture, and all of the service facilities are centralized in the tower. The two large and eye-ish bulbs that flank the tower contain tables, television, chairs. All of the necessary apparatus for work and relaxation.
No single communication form, however, is of more interest to Ant Farm than another. They thrive on all forms of media and have made interventions into many fields, from architecture to community planning to the general environment.