Compasso d’Oro Awards 2022: all the winners

A jury chaired by Annachiara Sacchi has announced the winners of the 27th edition of the most important Italian industrial design award, stressing the importance of development, sustainability and responsibility as key values for our times

“The profound transformations that design is called upon to interpret, from the environmental crisis to economic and social inequalities, push design culture to engage in a variety of directions, from a conscious use of the resources available to the planet to the creation of objects capable of including and enhancing the various different components of civic society.”

This is how the jury composed by Mario Cucinella, Stefano Micelli, Cloe Piccoli and Mirko Zardini – and chaired by Annachiara Sacchi – describes the principles that structured the selection process of the 28th Compasso d’Oro ADI award winners, which have been announced on 20 June, chosen between 292 products listed in the ADI Design Index: “a selection guided by the key concepts of development, sustainability and responsibility”.

Also this year, the 20 award-winning projects are flanked by 9 Compasso d'Oro career awards to Italian relevant personalities, and 3 international awards, and for the second time 3 long-selling products are also awarded: the Ghost armchair by Cini Boeri and Tomu Katayanagi for Fiam Italia (1987), the Minikitchen by Joe Colombo for Boffi (1968) and the Up series by Gaetano Pesce for B&B Italia. There are also 25 honourable mentions, completing the roster with 3 prizes and 9 certifications connected to the Targa Giovani.

The Compasso d’Oro career award winners for Italy are Giovanni Anceschi, Francesco Binfaré, Giulio Cappellini, Antonio Citterio, Brunello Cucinelli, Michele De Lucchi, Rossana Orlandi, Rosy Vago and Giancarlo Zanatta. The international personalities joining the winners’ tribune are Lidewij Edelkoort, Hans Muth and Peter Opsvik.

Bathed in light

Drawing from its more than 30 years of experience, SICIS introduces backlit pools in Vetrite, a patented solution that combines design, technology and function.

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