The duo Mathilde Vallantin Dulac and Victor Levai, both born in 1991, one a textile designer, the other an artist, present the bedroom Plage abandonnée, a microarchitecture carved out of a foam block, white like whipped cream, complete with a sink for brushing your teeth in and of course a raised bed for sleeping. Before leaving Toulon for Hyères, you can stop off at the design market and then visit the hair salon where Valentina Cameranesi, based in Milan and of extraordinary talent, presents a project that is both light and erotic at the same time: a series of ceramic pots with different shapes that do not clash with the old setting of the real hairdresser’s shop with its large windows, where the words féminin and masculin appear. The pale-pink environment stands out against the saturated colours of the objects in the exhibition entitled “Féminin” curated by the talented Matylda Krzyzowski.

Also in the spaces of the villa is a beautiful presentation of retrospective work by Maria Jeglinska entitled “Arret Sur Image” (with the Little Black Chair, a chair from 2014 that is actually blue, the colour of the crowded sea of the Côte d'Azur), the piece in bamboo by the 2015 winner of the Grand Prix, Samy Rio now with “Itinéraires” and terracotta tiles by Antoine Boudin shaped like waves, Oudino developed for Hotel La Reine Jane. The opening weekend concludes with the announcement of the two winners: for Hyères it is the project The future of sausage, Carolien Niebling’s work supported by ECAL, a survey of the future of sausage, which includes versions of sausage with blood and insects. Meanwhile at Toulon the winner is Imajaghan, lounge by French designers Paul Brissonnet and Alexandre Benjamin Navet.

As is traditional, at the end of the evening, the inevitable game of petanque – the Provençal version of bowls – everyone together. Great passion and professionalism for a festival that, without neglecting the allure of the landscape, explores new frontiers in contemporary design.
until 24 September 2017
Design Parade Toulon, Design Parade Hyères

Inspired by nature
Fast, a company founded in 1995 in Valle Sabbia by the Levrangi family, is specialised in outdoor furniture, representing the best of made-in-Italy quality.