The new face by Olivetti

A long and difficult process has led to the present face of Olivetti Group, the Italian corporation at the head of a number of companies supplying office equipment and electronic accessories, information technology systems and services and, more recently, telecommunications. So major and many are the changes, the largest coming in the last ten years, that some confusion exists concerning the modern-day reality of the Ivrea company. This is partly because the group’s recent entry into the world of telecommunications, and hence its conversion into an industrial holding, “obscured” the traditional office equipment production. The recent Smau registered a massive Olivetti presence on six stands with numerous initiatives and new products for the home office area. This provided an opportunity to clarify what the company and production changes have meant and what remains of the production - and the spirit - of the memorable I.C.O. belonging to Ingegner Olivetti that made such an impression on European industrial history, setting itself forward as the model of the “intelligent” company.
Sketch of the Summa adding machine by Marcello Nizzoli, 1940
Sketch of the Summa adding machine by Marcello Nizzoli, 1940
Office building in Ivrea, the historical headquarters of the company
Office building in Ivrea, the historical headquarters of the company
Publicity for Olivetti Lexikon Elettrica (Domus n.378, ‘61), from which the company took its name
Publicity for Olivetti Lexikon Elettrica (Domus n.378, ‘61), from which the company took its name
The offices of Olivetti Canon Industriale at Agliè
The offices of Olivetti Canon Industriale at Agliè
The Webphone of Domustech, the system’s operative centre for an intelligent management of the house
The Webphone of Domustech, the system’s operative centre for an intelligent management of the house
Elettrosumma Duplex, design Marcello Nizzoli
Elettrosumma Duplex, design Marcello Nizzoli
Villa Casana, seat of Olivetti’s Historical Archive in Ivrea
Villa Casana, seat of Olivetti’s Historical Archive in Ivrea
The first Italian typewriter, the M1 model, dated 1911
The first Italian typewriter, the M1 model, dated 1911
Camillo Olivetti and family in the 20’s
Camillo Olivetti and family in the 20’s
Commercial for the 82 Diaspron typewriter (taken from Domus 364/60)
Commercial for the 82 Diaspron typewriter (taken from Domus 364/60)
The palm-size multi-lingual (6)  Da Vinci
The palm-size multi-lingual (6) Da Vinci
Olivetti plant, project by Figini and Pollini, 1934-57 (taken from Domus 713, February ’90)
Olivetti plant, project by Figini and Pollini, 1934-57 (taken from Domus 713, February ’90)
Olivetti Lexikon’s main stand at the fair Smau 2000
Olivetti Lexikon’s main stand at the fair Smau 2000
French car concessionary “renewed” in compliance with the “channel identity” programme
French car concessionary “renewed” in compliance with the “channel identity” programme
Oliweb’s Stand at the fair Smau 2000
Oliweb’s Stand at the fair Smau 2000
Calculator Logos 7, design Mario Bellini
Calculator Logos 7, design Mario Bellini
The female band All Saints during an interview for the MTV Music Awards, event sponsored by Olivetti
The female band All Saints during an interview for the MTV Music Awards, event sponsored by Olivetti
The new palm-size Xsmall. It weighs 45 grams and is as big as a credit card
The new palm-size Xsmall. It weighs 45 grams and is as big as a credit card
The white rooms where the ink jet heads are tested. Olivetti Lexikon at Arnad, in Val D'Aosta
The white rooms where the ink jet heads are tested. Olivetti Lexikon at Arnad, in Val D'Aosta
French car concessionary “renewed” in compliance with the “channel identity” programme
French car concessionary “renewed” in compliance with the “channel identity” programme
Valentine, design Ettore Sottsass, 1969
Valentine, design Ettore Sottsass, 1969
Cash till Explor@ 11
Cash till Explor@ 11
Ink jet printer ArtJet 12, for a young target
Ink jet printer ArtJet 12, for a young target

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