Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Art Park, Guarene, Cuneo Carsten Höller, Vehicle (Amphibian), 1999, aluminium, plastic, fibreglass, rope, 10 shirts, 293 cm ø 182 cm wide Courtesy: Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo. Photo credit: Travel on Art

Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Art Park, Guarene, Cuneo Marguerite Humeau, Rise, 2021, aluminium casting with final treatment with protective oil and coloured pigments, 5 x 4 x h 3.8 m approx. Courtesy: Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo. Photo credit: Travel on Art

Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Art Park, Guarene, Cuneo Marinella Senatore, In ognuno la traccia di ognuno, 2023, Painted aluminium and LED bulbs, 15 x 1.7 m. Courtesy: Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo. Photo credit: Matteo Quitadamo