The Transavanguardia five in Turin

Sandro Chia, Francesco Clemente, Enzo Cucchi, Nicola De Maria and Mimmo Paladino: otherwise known as the “Transavanguardia”, the Italian movement that in the latter part of the seventies revolutionised the contemporary art scene, are the subject of an exhibition at Castello di Rivoli opening 11 November which covers the work of five Italian artists with a name coined by critic Achille Bonito Oliva, together with a selection of eighty works which span seven years – from 1979 to 1985. The exhibition captures the stylistic essence of the movement, the principle of cultural nomadism, linguistic eclecticism and recycling.

The Transavanguardia movement began at the end of the seventies and became known internationally in 1980 with a travelling exhibition organised at the Kunsthalle in Basel, the Folkwang Museum in Essen and the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. Two years later they took part in Documenta 7 and in the course of just a few years the five artists gained international recognition showing both individually and as a group in the most important contemporary art galleries in Europe and the United States.

Castello di Rivoli, Museo d’Arte contemporanea
Piazza Mafalda di Savoia, Torino
T +39-011-9565222
F +39-011-9565231
Nicola Di Maria, <i>Testa dell’artista cosmico a Torino</i>, mixed media on canvas, 1984-85
Nicola Di Maria, Testa dell’artista cosmico a Torino, mixed media on canvas, 1984-85

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