On display, about sixty works in all, that embrace forty years of an artistic career dating from the 1960s to the present day. A tracking shot that spans from earlier works – the “Package” of 1961 and 1974 – to projects still in progress, among these, “Over the River”, a series of fabric panels suspended horizontally over the Arkansas River (Colorado) for about ten kilometers. The result is one of the largest personal shows hung to date in the U.S. on the French-Bulgarian couple.
All the works – drawings, collages, scale models and photographs – come from the collection of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel (clients and friends of Christo since 1971) which was acquired by the National Gallery of Art in 1991.
In September, the show will move to the Museum of Contemporary Art of San Diego (September 22, 2002 to January 5, 2003).
From 3 February to 23 June, 2002
Christo and Jeanne-Claude in the Vogel Collection
National Gallery of Art, East Building, Washington