The extension of a 1960s home in Brazil, open to artists

A simple steel frame, made dynamic by a system of curtains, completes the renovation of an existing building, challenging traditional notions of living space and performance space.

Located in São Paulo, Brazil, Casa Líquida is an artists’ residence dedicated to experimentation and sharing. Challenging the traditional notion of living space, the project designed by Luiz Pataro renovates and expands a 1960s building – adjacent to the original architecture in which the owner and her children hosted more than 2,000 artists since 2015, always with the idea that home should be a place of integration, coexistence and exchange.

A metal structure has been added to the original building, giving shape to a new pathway and optimally organising the different spaces, which are interconnected, dynamic and flexible.

Casa Líquida
Casa Líquida, São Paulo, 2023

On the ground floor, the new rooms – workspaces, socialisation areas, studios and artists’ rooms – communicate via an external metal walkway leading to the rehearsal room: added in the recent intervention, this is a spacious area equipped with large windows. Another metal gallery is located on the upper floor, which hosts four rooms and a new terrace.

These walkways form long balconies that serve as transition spaces between the new residence and the inner courtyard, also becoming versatile places for social interaction. A central role is played by curtains, which in the studios and rehearsal rooms serve to divide or enlarge the space while outside they mitigate the metal structure’s rigor.

Collaborators :
Laura Vaniqui, Flora Maringoni, Julia Feldens
Construction Company :
Da Vila Arquitetura
Structure :
Polo Gomez Estruturas Metálicas
Curtains :
Manuela Eichner, Laerte Késsimos

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