Solid Nature - Beyond the surface, Via Cernaia, 1
April 17-23 h. 10-19
Solid Nature started from the discourse Fuorisalone opened last year – where we can find some connecting elements – to fully commit to the sensorial depths of matter: the experience of “Beyond the Surface” involves human perception both inside and outside, as it involves both the surface and underground depths of a Neo-Romanesque garden, that of Casa Maveri in Brera.
The underground installation curated by Ellen Van Loon and Giulio Margheri (Oma) investigates the processes of stone formation, inviting the visitors to get lost in a labyrinth of rooms that, in a landscape where marbles, onyxes, travertines are associated with the seemingly abstract lights, shadows, and metallic textures – and even patience, that same patience that the temporality of geological processes transmits to the accelerated temporality of humans. Emerging from the garden, stone, as interpreted by Sabine Marcelis, Bita Fayyazi, Studio Ossidiana and Ward Strootman, brings to light its kaleidoscopic sensorial potential by interacting with vegetation, food, conviviality, and sociality in a broader and substantial sense.