You need two basic ingredients to abandon the walls of your house: a low-crime rate and a mild, or rather, tropical climate. If they are missing you can opt for high-performance windows or retractable mobile walls that can be opened and closed when necessary. We propose an overview of projects where walls leave room for more fluid floor plans: totally absent in certain vacation homes or only perimetral in city apartments. In the latter we find the great obsession of the year: heavy curtains to divide the interior spaces – courtain walls in the literal sense of the word. To vanish the boundaries between interior and exterior in some cases the volume is only alluded through concrete beams or frosted glass walls that deliberately make rainwater flow inside the house. Along with the great classics we can find Casa Farnsworth, the precursor par excellence of perimeter-fading: to better understand its cultural significance, an article on the architecture of the sun retraces the origins of modern architecture highlighting an aspect that is often neglected, namely bringing man closer to nature also with naturism and outdoor domestic spaces. Ranging from Australia to Argentina we find houses with walls replaced by arches, mirrors or straw, but mostly concrete pillars to support large roof slabs that generate wide voids that frame the horizon, over breathtaking landscapes: from the Mexican forest to the Emilian Apennines in Italy.