“No imagination”, “non monumental”, “seems like Albany”. These were just some of the criticisms of over 5000 New Yorkers (500 by computer) who flocked to see the models of the six designs for the rebuilding of Ground Zero chosen by the Committee for the site of the World Trade Center.

Most of the criticism focussed on the extensive space set aside for offices and the ideas for the monuments in memory of the victims. To the point of provoking a real about turn by those involved in the rebuilding, who are taking into consideration new ‘options’, including the idea of reducing the quantity of commercial space and to extend the time span foreseen for reaching a definitive scheme.

There is talk of allowing a maximum of another three months for the selection of three of the six projects (communicated to the New York Times by president of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, Louis Tomson), therefore moving from September to the end of November.

It is not yet known the reaction to these new developments on the part of constructor Larry Silverstein, who may have something to say above all with regard to the reduction of office space. In the case of an area so loaded with meaning, beyond mere architectural speculation, the debate will undoubtedly continue right up to the last minute.


Related contents:
Six schemes from Beyer Blinder Belle for the World Trade Center (News, 17.7.2002)