A new pedestrian infrastructure for Mexico City

The Taller Capital firm oversaw the renovation of a road providing new public areas and improved pedestrian connectivity.

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021

Photo Rafael Gamo

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021

Photo Rafael Gamo

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021

Photo Rafael Gamo

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021

Photo Rafael Gamo

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021

Photo Rafael Gamo

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021

Photo Rafael Gamo

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021

Courtesy Taller Capital

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021

Courtesy Taller Capital

Designed by studio Taller Capital, Mexico City has inaugurated a new linear park made with materials optimized for water retention and dust mitigation. Constructed in the northern area of the metropolis, the project is named Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, and more specifically consists of the renovation of 2.1 kilometers of a median road that runs through the city, passing through a complex of public housing.

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021. Photo Rafael Gamo

The boulevard under study was built in the early 2000s, and although the median was excavated, it was never completed. Excavated materials from the roadway also remained there, creating small dust storms. The firm was then commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Urban Development to create the recreational spaces on the infrastructural axis, but the firm recognized that the project offered an opportunity to improve the pedestrian connectivity of the area beyond that.

The twenty-meter-wide structure allows for easy pedestrian use and has recreational areas scattered along its length for use by the local community; the study estimates that it will serve more than 20,000 people living alongside it.

To ensure pedestrian safety, the structure was elevated, which provided the ground conditions necessary to plant a number of shade trees. The study included volcanic gravel along the elevation to allow water absorption and control dust.

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021 Photo Rafael Gamo

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021 Photo Rafael Gamo

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021 Photo Rafael Gamo

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021 Photo Rafael Gamo

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021 Photo Rafael Gamo

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021 Photo Rafael Gamo

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021 Courtesy Taller Capital

Taller Capital, Héroes de Tecamac Boulevard, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021 Courtesy Taller Capital