La Scuola di Milano
Antonio Monestiroli,
Electa, Milano 2009 (pp. 77, € 24,00)
This is the first book in a
series on the protagonists of the
School of Milan. Edited by Antonio
Monestiroli, the sries includes
Franco Albini (author, Federico
Bucci) and, in a near future, Asnago
and Vender, BBPR, Piero Bottoni,
Figini and Pollini. Handy and simple,
this lightweight book has the virtue
of prompting reflection on the work
of Gardella, who was surrounded by
a remarkable group of architects in
1950s’ Milan.
Ignazio Gardella
La Scuola di MilanoAntonio Monestiroli, Electa, Milano 2009 (pp. 77, € 24,00)This is the first book in a series on the protagonists of the School of Milan. Edited by Antonio Monestiroli, the sries includes Franco Albini (author, Federico Bucci) and, in a near future, Asnago and Vender, BBPR, Piero Bottoni, Figini and Pollini. Handy and simple, this lightweight book has the virtue of prompting reflection on the work of Gardella, who was surrounded by a remarkable group of architects in 1950s’ Milan.

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- 16 November 2009