In Milan, a completely new square at base of the renovated Velasca Tower

The redesign project by Asti Architetti gives a fundamental role to the square. For the first time, Milanese and tourists will be able to live in the spaces at the foot of the Torre designed by BBPR.

Torre Velasca. Milan, Italy. Image courtesy of Asti Architetti/Hines.

Torre Velasca. Milan, Italy. Image courtesy of Asti Architetti/Hines.

Torre Velasca. Milan, Italy. Image courtesy of Asti Architetti/Hines.

Torre Velasca. Milan, Italy. Image courtesy of Asti Architetti/Hines.

Torre Velasca. Milan, Italy. Image courtesy of Asti Architetti/Hines.

The renovated Piazza Velasca – thanks to green spaces with olive trees and magnolias, a pedestrian area and new urban furniture – will reconnect the city to the iconic Milanese Tower, object of a restoration developed by Hines and curated by Asti Architetti, in collaboration with the CEAS studio, ESA Engineering and with ARS Aedificandi as General Contractor.

The regeneration project was developed following the highest standards of environmental sustainability and energy efficiency, with the aim of obtaining the international LEED certification.

After completing the restoration of the facades and starting the interior (still in progress), the project will be completed with the new square, designed as a meeting place and gathering place, thanks to the enhancement of pedestrian access to the building and the recovery of the previously unused adjacent spaces, radically rethinking the attachment to the ground of the famous Milanese icon.

The square should be finished by early 2024.

Torre Velasca. Milan, Italy.

Image courtesy of Asti Architetti/Hines.

Torre Velasca. Milan, Italy.

Image courtesy of Asti Architetti/Hines.

Torre Velasca. Milan, Italy.

Image courtesy of Asti Architetti/Hines.

Torre Velasca. Milan, Italy.

Image courtesy of Asti Architetti/Hines.

Torre Velasca. Milan, Italy.

Image courtesy of Asti Architetti/Hines.