"Closer, Still", a virtual design exhibition to help townships

Now that its doors are closed to the public, the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild in Cape Town is organizing an online exhibition where part of the sale price will be destined to help townships that currently facing the Coronavirus emergency.

Adam Birch, Vodoo II a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

photo Hayden Phipps

Conrad Hicks, Copper Landscape Pair I a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

photo Hayden Phipps  

Dokter And Misses, Skip Lights a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Driaan Claassen, Delineation Candle Holders a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

photo Hayden Phipps

Ferdi B. Dick, Unicorn No More Baby a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Guy du Toit, Stoele/Chairs a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Hamed Outtara, Tabouret Les 4 Amis a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

photo Hayden Phipps

Jesse Ede, Solar Portal a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

photo Hayden Phipps

Justine Mahoney, Sleep Ninja Collage a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Madoda Fani, Zintle (Beautiful Girl) a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Otto Du Plessis, Broken Vases a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Philippe-Bousquet, Secret II a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

photo Hayden Phipps

Rodney Band, Cork Oak a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

photo Adel Ferreira

Stanislaw Trzebinski, Spot Sea Heart a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

phot Hayden Phipps  

Trevor Potter, The Sleeper a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Xandre Kriel, Techno Loafer a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

photo Hayden Phipps

Xavier Clarisse, Fan Wall a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Zizipho Poswa, Tall Blue a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

photo Hayden Phipps

Adam Birch, Vodoo II a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

photo Hayden Phipps

Andile Dyalvane, Moon Jar The Swan a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Atang Tshikare, Le Kamoso a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Charles Haupt, Tropism Mensa Foliorum a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

photo Hayden Phipps

Charles Haupt, Tropism Mensa Foliorum a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

photo Hayden Phipps

Chuma Maweni, Imbizo a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

photo Hayden Phipps

  In the times of Covid-19, even the design world mobilize for solidarity. A point of reference for collectible design in Africa, the Cape Town Southern Guild gallery is now thinking about the most vulnerable among the population of his country. Among them, there are the inhabitants of the townships, forced to confinement in restricted spaces and hence often unable to put into practice a reasonable social distancing to defend themselves from the virus.  

To make its contribution, the gallery has organized a virtual exhibition, Closer, Still. Online until 9 May, the exhibition hosted on the gallery's website shows the works of 22 artists – including Dokter And Misses, Justine Mahoney, Andile Dyalvane, Atang Tshikare –, among the most representative interpreters of contemporary African design. 30% of the sale price will be paid to the non-profit organization Afrika Tikkun, active for over twenty years within the poorest communities of the country, and now struggling to organize the humanitarian response to the pandemic.

Adam Birch, Vodoo II photo Hayden Phipps

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Conrad Hicks, Copper Landscape Pair I photo Hayden Phipps  

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Dokter And Misses, Skip Lights

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Driaan Claassen, Delineation Candle Holders photo Hayden Phipps

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Ferdi B. Dick, Unicorn No More Baby

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Guy du Toit, Stoele/Chairs

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Hamed Outtara, Tabouret Les 4 Amis photo Hayden Phipps

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Jesse Ede, Solar Portal photo Hayden Phipps

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Justine Mahoney, Sleep Ninja Collage

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Madoda Fani, Zintle (Beautiful Girl)

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Otto Du Plessis, Broken Vases

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Philippe-Bousquet, Secret II photo Hayden Phipps

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Rodney Band, Cork Oak photo Adel Ferreira

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Stanislaw Trzebinski, Spot Sea Heart phot Hayden Phipps  

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Trevor Potter, The Sleeper

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Xandre Kriel, Techno Loafer photo Hayden Phipps

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Xavier Clarisse, Fan Wall

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Zizipho Poswa, Tall Blue photo Hayden Phipps

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Adam Birch, Vodoo II photo Hayden Phipps

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Andile Dyalvane, Moon Jar The Swan

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Atang Tshikare, Le Kamoso

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Charles Haupt, Tropism Mensa Foliorum photo Hayden Phipps

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Charles Haupt, Tropism Mensa Foliorum photo Hayden Phipps

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild

Chuma Maweni, Imbizo photo Hayden Phipps

a virtual exhibition of the gallery for collectible design Southern Guild