Inaugurated a new artwork by Michelangelo Pistoletto on Lake D’Iseo

Terzo Paradiso dell’Energia was created from recycled materials on the occasion of “Light is Life”, the light festival of Bergamo Brescia 2023.

On the occasion of “Light is Life - Festa delle luci A2A”, was inaugurated in Monte Isola, in Lake Iseo, Italy, the new artwork of Michelangelo Pistoletto entitled “Third Paradise of Energy’' and made with reused materials.

Rowing the Third Paradise. Photo by Christian Penocchio

The work, which takes up the reinterpretation of the mathematical symbol of infinity created by the Piedmontese artist, is composed of sixteen heaps of colored networks, crossed and joined by a perimeter of LED lights saved from the works of “Light is Life” realized for Bergamo and Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023. Once dismantled, after July 23, the same materials will be used to create a new artwork, this time destined to remain on Monte Isola.

Opening image: courtesy A2A

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