Top: Lucia Martinez Pluchino, Raquel Duran Puente, Immersion. Above: 2017 FAV Pavilion, Vertical emotion
It seeks not only to highlight the work of a young generation of architects, landscape architects and urban planners but also to discover unexpected urban areas. The teams who created the ephemeral works were selected after a call for submissions launched in September. They came from France and from abroad.
Festival des Architectures Vives 2017, Montpellier, France
Program: installations
Curators: Elodie Nourrigat and Jacques Brion
Architects: ØNA Architecture, Higher Technical School of Architecture of San Sebastian, Pistachoffice, Collectif S’il te plait, Atelier MicroMega, Collectif Commun, BEN-DAO, Studio 3A, Collectif Pourquoi Pas?!, ODD, Concéntrico 03, Lucia Martinez Pluchino and Raquel Duran Puente, Maria Anton Barco, Maria Salan and Maria Ramos
Year: 2017