Masquespacio: Gnomo

Valencian designers Masquespacio renovated a building from the ’80s for Gnomo’s new showroom mixing bright colours and geometrical customade furniture.

Masquespacio, Gnomo store, Valencia, 2016

Located in the renowned Ruzafa neighborhood in Valencia, Masquespacio’s latest interior design project for Gnomo mixes geometry, graphics and contrasting colours, applied to custom made displays and tables. 

  The Valencian studio decided to maintain the eighties aspect of the original space, adding a contemporary touch with a granite floor, together with white walls and a touch of blue and green to create a cheerful feeling to the lifestyle shop.

Masquespacio, Gnomo store, Valencia, 2016

“Taking in count that Gnomo sells different kind of objects from a wide set of brands, it was important to create a funny and happy feeling, but without creating a visual disorder”, explains Ana Hernández. The flexibility in the layout gives the possibility to change the product exhibition at any time depending on the current sale. 

Masquespacio, Gnomo store, Valencia, 2016

Gnomo, Valencia, Spain
Program: shop
Design: Masquespacio
Completion: 2016