Petite vie

With two mirrored and colorful walls set up in the street of Quebec City, Fontaine/Fortin/Labelle invite passersby to question their role in the city’s architectural landscape.

Fontaine/Fortin/Labelle, Petit Vie, Quebec City, Canada

As part of “Les Passages Insolites”, a public art festival curated by EXMURO arts publics in Quebec City, the collective Fontaine/Fortin/Labelle presents the installation Petit Vie.

“In the vacuum rhythmed by the sound of the streets, a wall exhibits its personality. Its facade invites passersby to question their role in the city’s architectural landscape.” they explain.

Fontaine/Fortin/Labelle, Petit Vie, Quebec City, Canada
Fontaine/Fortin/Labelle, Petit Vie, Quebec City, Canada

“The wall pretends to be the city. How can we distinguish reality from fiction? Why so many ornamentations? Do we consume human relationships as we consume architecture? Judging on the surface? Yet there are perceptible clues. The passage between the openings is a reminder of the relationship between the inside and the outside. A different space. The awareness that beyond the surface hides a story. The edge of the wall is a space of its own, a passage that recalls the thickness of the walls around. Is such thickness necessary or are we being played? The inside of the installation laughs at its surroundings. A place of its own contained between two walls, an ode to the unusual. A game, a theater set… inside a theater set? At Place-Royale, facades are talking and telling stories. Life stories.”

until November 2, 2015
Petit Vie, Quebec City, Canada
Design: Fontaine/Fortin/Labelle (Francis Fontaine, Luca Fortin, Pascal Labelle)
Client: Les Passages Insolites
Budget: 12 500$ CAD