With more than 1.000 objects, the exhibition display follows a journey that starts out from the conceptual origins of his ideas to tell a story – through research and experimentation, objects and settings – which extends from the individual towards observation and reappropriation, and to the design of space and reality.
Accompanied by audio-visual materials, a huge number of works and documents help create a cosmology of design which emerges from a global vision of Ugo La Pietra’s work.
Ugo La Pietra,
Immersione “Colpo di vento (una boccata d’ossigeno)”,
Installation, iron and oxigen tank,
(collezione FRAC Centre, Orléans)
Courtesy Archivio Ugo La Pietra
Ugo La Pietra,
La Casa Telematica: Living room,
(exhibition curated with Gianfranco Bettetini and Aldo Grasso),
Fiera di Milano,
Courtesy Archivio Ugo La Pietra
Ugo la Pietra, Tavolo Giardino,
(dal Neoeclettismo),
Produzione Busnelli (Meda),
1984. Right: mobile neo-eclettico, 1988.
Courtesy Archivio Ugo La Pietra
Ugo La Pietra,
Amore Mediterraneo,
handmade ceramic piece,
Courtesy Archivio Ugo La Pietra
Ugo La Pietra,
“Libro Aperto: Territori”,
produced at Laboratorio Studio Ernan Design, Albissola
Courtesy Archivio Ugo La Pietra
from 26 November until 15 February 2015
Ugo La Pietra
Triennale di Milano
Curated by: Angela Rui
Exhibition design: Ugo La Pietra
Graphic design: POMO
Videoinstallation: Lucio Lapietra
Catalogue Corraini Edizioni