L’Atelier en mouvement

L’Atelier en mouvement, by Pierre Thibault, is an installation in progress, always evolving, moving through the various Quebec’s landscapes. 

The evanescent structure of L’Atelier en mouvement is an infinite source of new and inspiring images; it is an opportunity to generate new ideas that will fuel the architectural projects of the Atelier Pierre Thibault.

The structure softly materialized and let itself be inspired by the great scenery and meeting the constraints of transport, assembly and disassembly. The structure can be divided into four modules, each one unique although belonging to the same family of shape. 

Atelier Pierre Thibault, L’Atelier en mouvement, Charlevoix and Grand-Métis in Quebec, Canada

Sometimes floating, elevated on stilts, laid on the ground either vertically or horizontally, the installation transforms into a raft, a dock, then it becomes a sculpture or a refuge. Sometimes the modules combine to form one large structure, sometimes they evolve all on their own. Covered of its white veil, this aerial structure leads us into a series of poetic dialogues between us, architecture and the landscape.

  These nomadic installations lead to understand each visited place in a different way. This is, in a way, prearchitecture that allows to discard the preconceptions in order to consider architecture differently while renewing its vision. The projects designed in the workshop take their inspiration from the installation, transferring to a larger scale the knowledge collected at a scale 1:1 of the installation: the assembly methods, the textures of the materials, the effects of the light, the relationship with the landscape.

The installation is an incomplete process, always evolving, as a matter of fact, it will move for the first time in a urban context on September 19th the Bassin Peel in Montreal.

Atelier Pierre Thibault, L’Atelier en mouvement, Charlevoix and Grand-Métis in Quebec, Canada
Atelier Pierre Thibault, L’Atelier en mouvement, Charlevoix and Grand-Métis in Quebec, Canada
Atelier Pierre Thibault, L’Atelier en mouvement, Charlevoix and Grand-Métis in Quebec, Canada
Atelier Pierre Thibault, L’Atelier en mouvement, Charlevoix and Grand-Métis in Quebec, Canada
Atelier Pierre Thibault, L’Atelier en mouvement, Charlevoix and Grand-Métis in Quebec, Canada
Atelier Pierre Thibault, L’Atelier en mouvement, Charlevoix and Grand-Métis in Quebec, Canada
Atelier Pierre Thibault, L’Atelier en mouvement, Charlevoix and Grand-Métis in Quebec, Canada
Atelier Pierre Thibault, L’Atelier en mouvement, Charlevoix and Grand-Métis in Quebec, Canada

L’Atelier en mouvement, Charlevoix and Grand-Métis in Quebec, Canada
Program: installation
Architects: Atelier Pierre Thibault
Completion: 2014

Production and camera: François-Olivier Thibault
Photo director: Vincent Gonneville
Soundman: Vincent Brunet-Dupont
Offline editing: Vincent Brunet-Dupont
Color: Frédérik-Daniel Poirier
Sound editing and mix: Sacha Ratcliffe