Public Spaces

Front of Art presents the public art project “Public Spaces = A Place For Action”, that aims to raise awareness among citizens towards the conservation, repossession of public spaces.

“Public Spaces = A Place For Action” is a project that by means of public art aims to raise awareness among citizens and especially young people in smaller places towards the conservation, repossession and the wise use of public spaces and public goods (squares, parks, roads, natural environment) of their territory in favour of a sustainable cultural and economic development.

The project offers a comparison between two territorial realities, Italy and Lebanon, to compare the concerns and the common issues that small towns have on either shore of the Mediterranean by involving the centre of Roccagloriosa in the province of Salerno and Bcharre, the mountain village in the north of Lebanon.

In apertura: Bianco-Valente, As the wind aiutati nella scrittura in arabo dal calligrafo Mr.Milad Fakhri, Bcharre, Libano, Aprile 2013. Sopra: Pascal Hachem and Rana Haddad, Between Heaven & Earth Bcharre, Libano, Aprile 2013

The artists we invited to participate are two couples of artists recognized at international level: Rana Haddad and Pascal Hachem for Lebanon and Bianco-Valente (Giovanna Bianco e Giuseppe Valente) for Italy.

The stage in Lebanon has been achieved in April 2013 and now there is the second stage in Roccagloriosa (SA), with  opening to the public June 29 from 5.30 pm.

Bianco-Valente, <i>As the wind</i> helped in Arabic writing by the calligrapher Mr.Milad Fakhri, Bcharre, Lebanon, April 2013.
Bianco-Valente, <i>As the wind</i> helped in Arabic writing by the calligrapher Mr.Milad Fakhri, Bcharre, Lebanon, April 2013.
Bianco-Valente, <i>As the wind</i> helped in Arabic writing by the calligrapher Mr.Milad Fakhri, Bcharre, Lebanon, April 2013.
Pascal Hachem and Rana Haddad, <i>Between Heaven & Earth</i> Bcharre, Lebanon, April 2013
Pascal Hachem and Rana Haddad, <i>Between Heaven & Earth</i> Bcharre, Lebanon, April 2013
Pascal Hachem and Rana Haddad, <i>Between Heaven & Earth</i> Bcharre, Lebanon, April 2013
Roccagloriosa (Salerno, Italy)
Roccagloriosa (Salerno, Italy)

June 29, 2014, h.17.30
Rana Haddad – Pascal Hachem e Bianco-Valente
Public Spaces = A Place For Action

Promoted by Front of Art and Farnespazio
Palazzo La Quercia,
via d'Afflitto 17, Roccagloriosa (SA)