Tokyo Designers / 146

Tokyo Designers Week visited Milan, bringing all the creativity of the city of Tokyo into the heart of the Zona Tortona.

Tokyo Designers Week

Tokyo Designers Week, showcased at the Padiglione Visconti, in the Zona Tortona, is an event-fair that has brought all the creativity of the city of Tokyo to Milan

Surrounded by ceramic manufacturers and small houses performing the tea ceremony, the central island in the exhibition space hosted an installation by Nagasaka Jo of Schemata Architects. This peaceful haven amid the chaotic exhibition flow takes visitors back to a Japan where time stands still.

Tokyo Designers Week
Tokyo Designers Week

Yatai (mobile kiosks) are the expedient that enabled the designer to create five zones centred on different functions, in keeping with the age-old tradition of omotenashi (hospitality): one for the tea ceremony, one in which to relax seated on a bench, one featuring a garden, complete with darting goldfish, and a final one in which to smoke tobacco, gathered around a dining table.