St Horto

OFL + Federico Giacomarra presented at the Maker Faire Rome the first prototype of interactive garden that creates a synergy between architecture, nature, music and social technologies.

OFL: St Horto
Architecture has a key role: the asymmetric but well-proportioned spaces, uneven but harmonious at the same time, create unusual tactile, olfactory and visual perspectives designed to provide a deep sensorial experience that could be suitable for children too.
OFL: St Horto
Top and above: OFL + Federico Giacomarra, St Horto, Maker Faire Rome. Photo: Anotherstudio

When you go into the St Horto, you are immersed in a dynamic space characterized by a sequence of solid and empty triangulations that provides mainly educational functions. St Horto represents to Maker Faire Rome an explosion of technology, carpentry and advanced design techniques.

Cultivation areas, sonic harps, dining seating  and an interactive lighting system  alternate within 31 triangular tanks .

Furthermore, a study on 93 nodes allows the project to have different triangulations that increase, in this way, its own technical complexity.

Thanks to a special computer, St Horto can create in real time a musical composition by Vincenzo Core (and audio signals) starting from a single tune that will be worked out automatically according to homothetic principles.
OFL: St Horto
OFL + Federico Giacomarra, St Horto, Maker Faire Rome. Photo: Anotherstudio
There is no sampled timbres but all sounds are generated in real time through subtractive synthesis and physical patterns synthesis. The music is then modulated on environmental variables captured by a weather station installed in the garden: the variations in wind speed creates clusters of sounds, the temperature influences the timbre of voices, the humidity changes the sound with echoes and reverberations.
OFL: St Horto
OFL + Federico Giacomarra, St Horto, Maker Faire Rome. Photo Anotherstudio

Anyway the melody reveal itself just through the human interaction. Sonic harps, provided with sensors that can detect the touch, are installed in the garden. The same sensors are also attached on some vegetables.

If someone touch plant racks, harps or vegetables  that will produce notes allowing to improvise music. By touching once any plant racks, harps or vegetables in a few seconds the garden goes in “resonance” and plays the melody  without any manipulation.

OFL: St Horto
OFL + Federico Giacomarra, St Horto, Maker Faire Rome. Photo Anotherstudio
Another main feature of St Horto is its integration with the “objects web” world. Taking the cue from other sensor gardens and thanks to the experience of Alberto Serra, founder of Jardimpu, we decided to install a new technological system that allows the monitoring of the plants in real time and a “social“ irrigation management by connecting with Twitter and Paraimpu. Management of the garden can be made online using several preset message.
OFL: St Horto
OFL + Federico Giacomarra, St Horto, Maker Faire Rome. Photo Anotherstudio

The St Horto project combines 4 strictly connected factors: functionality, aesthetics, production and teaching. Production must be the cornerstone when one want to  design the layout, so that the useful surface for the cultivation changes according to its contexts configuration.

The cultivation and the design of spaces, which are parted among themselves, appear both from an ergonomic perspective (height and depth suitable for cultivation operations) and at an educational/popular level because they are drawn up for kids.

St Horto, Maker Faire Rome 2013
OFL Architecture + Federico Giacomarra
Area: 140 sqm

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