Patterns of changing light and sound invite those traversing the triptych to discover new paths under and between it, inspiring impromptu gatherings or even improvised performances. When not responding to people, Cloud enhances the dynamic experience of the weather through its detection of temperature, wind, rain, and humidity. The sculpture takes each of these conditions and responds to each in a very different way, creating "a new link between human and atmosphere through light and sound".

Architect: Jinhee Park AIA + John Hong AIA, LEED AP (principals in charge), Donguk Lee, Frederick Peter Ortner, Taesoo Kim
Interactive Design: Jinhee Park AIA + John Hong AIA, LEED AP
Sound Design: xarrier infrastarwerx: jh0st (sound), vorticite (infra-poetix)
Structural Engineer: Park Byung-Soon
Interactive Engineer / Fabricator: Ecofeel

STARBOX 4160: Roller Blind Excellence
Mottura introduces STARBOX 4160: a system that marries sophisticated design and cutting-edge technology, for ultimate control of light and temperature.