P.S.1 and beyond

On Friday, the 17th of December, at 6 pm, art critic Paola Nicolin with engage in a conversation upon the theme P.S.1 and beyond with the first lady of the New York Contemporary Art Scene, Alanna Heiss

The founder and former Director of P.S.1, and current Director of AIR, Heiss is one of the most prominent figures of the alternative space movement. This conversation will reflect upon the peculiar character of the NY scenario of the 1970s, characterized by the creation of alternative spaces, often in degraded areas of the city.

The encounter will also focus on the creation of the P.S.1, which Alanna Heiss founded in 1976 and directed until 2008 and which started as the most important non-museum of New York and became one of the bastions of Contemporary Art Institutions.

Moreover, this will also be the occasion to discuss Alanna Heiss' current position as Director of AIR. Art International Radio is an Internet-based art radio station operating out of the Clocktower Gallery in Lower Manhattan, NY, that hosts artists residencies, organizes exhibitions and events, and produces its own experimental, art-oriented broadcasts.
This is the fourth event of the project The most beautiful Kunsthalle in the world organized by Fondazione Antonio Ratti together with the Camera di Commercio di Como. It is an international research project developed between 2010 and 2012 involving a wide range of curators, critics, historians of art, artists and professionals from diverse disciplinary fields and contexts, in an ongoing debate about exhibition practices of contemporary art in the beginning to the 21st century.

The project consists of approximately 25 public events, each dedicated to a specific problematic. The themes that are discussed range from the analysis of the diverse models of exhibition spaces; the relation between economy and art; the definition and identity of the figure of the curator, and other aspects of doing and producing exhibitions. A particular attention is given to the Italian panorama.

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