Nendo creates a new emergency equipment item: a portable toilet. The eclecticity of the Japanese designer does not surprise at all. In 2017 he signed, amongst various items, chocolates, a paper torch, jellyfish vases floating in water. Nendo fullfills a need to ease life condition in case of emergency (in Japan there were two earthquakes in 2011 and 2016).
The kit fits in the space of a bag, which is designed to be compact and to store 6 items: 4 aluminium pipes and toilet seat, nylon cloth for the tent, pocket tissues, garbage bags, and coagulant.
Nendo says: “It was important to contrive ways to use commonly used items for other uses. When living in evacuation shelters in contemporary urban spaces, various everyday items and waste materials are available.A cheap plastic umbrella, which can be bought at grocery stores may be used as a structural element of the tent. When three steel cans for beverages are connected together, 2 liters size plastic bottle is 320 mm high”
This portable toilet is a good solution also in several temporary cases as underground shelters or temporary accomodations.