WAR, acronym for Warehouse of Architecture and Research, is an architecture studio based in Rome, founded in 2013 by Jacopo Costanzo, Valeria Guerrisi and Gabriele Corbo. In 2016 they conceived a series of lectures entitled Generazione: a call from Rome that became a travelling exhibition (in New York, Rome and at RIBA, London) named Re-Constructivist Architecture in which fourteen emergent (at the time, now established) architecture firms took part. Here they got to know Adam Nathaniel Furman, who opened this column selecting movies about architecture and design – and it is with the selection of the British designer that the one by WAR set up an Anglo-Mediterranean dialogue.
WAR’s vision – recently focused on a huge research for Shenzhen's Biennal – is about bringing on a design method between architectural mannerism and that independent way of conducting researches that is typical of the contemporary European practice, without ever losing touch with the “Roman school” they love. In fact, their studio in via Nomentana, even hosts one of the biggest private collections of architectural books and magazines of the city, which they saved when the renowned Studio Passarelli moved out. A historical stratification that takes shape in the spaces where they work – a warehouse indeed – as well as in the design references that they always keep in mind and that indelibly marked their path, always ready to be picked out and mixed up when needed. In the same way they selected their favourite films moving along five decades of movie history putting together Hollywood colossals and Italian independent productions, rough and violent dramas, avant-garde movies that became mainstream and barely known films shot by very famous directors. A dense selection in which the aesthetical style is the common denominator and in which strong choices about photography and power prevail.

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