The details of minimalist architecture
The new Schüco LivIng Free Light system is a PVC window frame that minimises the exposed section of the window frame, enlarges the glazed area and creates an elevation with an essential character.
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01 / 09
Municipal Auditorium Lucena, Spain
Program: auditorium
Architects: MX_SI architectural studio – Mara Partida, Boris Bezan, Héctor Mendoza
Collaborators: Elsa Bertrán, Filipe Fonseca, Oscar Espinosa, Olga Bombac
Structural engineering: BOMAIMPASA
Fluids: JG Ingenieros
Acoustics: Arau Acústica
Stagecraft: Scenic Light
Area: 6,700 sqm
Completion: 2015

Inspired by nature
Fast, a company founded in 1995 in Valle Sabbia by the Levrangi family, is specialised in outdoor furniture, representing the best of made-in-Italy quality.
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