Balcony House

Japanese architect Ryo Matsui completed in Tokyo a four-floor house characterised by small balconies that become the buffer area with the street and take the function of eaves.

Balcony House

In a residential area whith low-rise apartment complex and new houses with small balconies, Ryo Matsui Architects designed a 4-floor house.

Balcony House
Ryo Matsui, Balcony House, Tokyo, Japan

In Japan, expecially in Tokyo’s centre, the houses next to each other extremely approaches the site boundary.

The openess toward the road is realized with small balconies, where some plants provide privacy, that become the buffer area with the road and takes the functon of eaves.

Balcony House, Tokyo, Japan
Program: residential
Architects: Ryo Matsui Architects
Area: 203 sqm
Completion: February 2013