Gruppo Romani

Natural Architectures by Gruppo Romani at Cersaie 2023

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Designed by Amostudio, Gruppo Romani's stand for Cersaie 2023 will represent the essence of its various brands.

Cersaie – the international appointment with the design of surfaces, bathroom furnishings and finishes for the architectural space – celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. From 25 to 29 September 2023 in Bologna, professionals from all over the world will meet to do business and share innovative ideas.

Among the protagonists of this event will be Gruppo Romani, a company recognised and appreciated worldwide for the unique style of its ceramic solutions. Through its brands Serenissima, CIR Ceramiche, Cercom, Cerasarda, Isla Tiles and Verde 1999, the group tells an industrial story of high craftsmanship value, integrated with technical and production innovation projected towards the future.

Gruppo Romani's stand for Cersaie 2023 will represent its different souls through a design conceived by Amostudio. Like various tributaries of a single estuary, the spaces of the individual brands will interpret the same theme, with singular shapes that are consistent with the central theme, always inspired by nature and linked by the common thread of vegetation.

The Gruppo Romani stand will be the image of what one would observe on a river bed or in the ravines of a cliff: different flows and currents sculpting the rock and merging into the unique form of beauty. New ideas of innovation flow high, like mobile and impalpable ripples of fabric, over a central sediment with a stereometric and mineral character, a metaphor for the company's solid history based on quality and recognisability. The result is a scenic and elegant place, a creative, nuanced and borderline space, the same as that generated on the flowing plane of fluids at different temperatures and densities.

In the Romani Group stand we will find a succession of architectures of both natural and man-made inspiration: for CIR a central septum with a wave-like motion will create a sort of theatrical and multicoloured canyon that will stand out against a scenographic jungle backdrop; in Serenissima the large jagged monolith can be crossed like the arch of a stacks and will generate different horizontal and vertical surfaces.

In the space dedicated to Cercom, the natural habitat and the domestic environment will merge into a concept of stereometric and minimalist luxury that aims at elegance; in Isla two double-sided islands with eroded shapes will stand free in the space, becoming the site of various display surfaces; in the Verde 1999 section monolithic arches on a central podium will define metaphysical and monumental spaces; finally, with Cerasarda, the focus will be on the exaltation of craftsmanship and manufacturing excellence through the implementation of a true creative workshop.

Opening dates:
25-29 September 2023
Gruppo Romani
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