Valencia World Design Capital and its fair

Feria Hábitat València, from 20 to 23 September 2022, will be the highlight of an eventful year for the Spanish city.

100 projects, 70 collaboration agreements, 36 exhibitions, 7 major high-profile media events, with the participation of experts from all over the world: in 2022, Valencia will be the World Design Capital, an epicentre of Mediterranean design and beyond, a vehicle for culture and creativity in the world. The award granted by the World Design Organisation acknowledges the city's ability to combine tradition and future visions, considering contemporary design not only industry and products, but also processes and services. Feria Hábitat València, from 20 to 23 September 2022, will be the highlight of this intense year in which the city expresses the best of creativity “Made in Spain”. The fair dedicated to interior design and furniture is now in its 56th edition: it is a must-see event for the international design community.

Feria Hábitat València

Feria Hábitat València

Feria Hábitat València

Feria Hábitat València

Feria Hábitat València

Feria Hábitat València

Feria Hábitat València

Feria Hábitat València

Feria Hábitat València

Feria Hábitat València

Feria Hábitat València

Feria Hábitat València comes with a substantial increase in exhibition space and the addition of the kitchen (Espacio Cocina SICI) and home textiles (Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar) sectors. In total, almost 90,000 square metres and more than 600 national and international brands will be exhibited at Feria Valencia in an edition with enormous appeal. Practically all the most relevant Made in Spain companies will be present at Habitat, as well as a selection of Italian, Portuguese, French and German brands, who have chosen to carve out their own space to have a privileged showcase. Home, contract, outdoor and office... at the Valenca Fair we will find the latest proposals from every sector and for every style. At the fair we will also find an exhibition on the work of Vicent Martínez, one of the protagonists of Spanish design in recent years, a retrospective of the 20 years of Salón Nude (New Spanish Design), a congress on interior design and health, as well as lectures by designers of the calibre of Tomás Alía, Pascua Ortega and Lázaro Rosa Violan. At the end of each day, the city of Valencia will offer various opportunities for in-depth information and entertainment with its "out-of-fair" programme.

  • Feria Hábitat València
  • from 20 to 23 September 2022
  • Feria Valencia
  • Av. de les Fires s/n, Valencia