CorkVault Aarhus

Conceived by Pedro de Azambuja Varela and Tim Merritt, and built in a 2-week course in Aarhus, CorkVault uses three-dimensional stereotomic blocks of cork for creating a vault.

CorkVault Aarhus
The School of Architecture of Aarhus organized the second edition of HARD CO(u)R(s)E DIGITAL, a set of workshops focused in digital technologies in a pre-holiday format.
The key factors in the CorkVault workshop, led by Pedro de Azambuja Varela and Tim Merritt, were the use of ICB (Insulation Cork Board), a 5-axis waterjet cutter and Grasshopper, so that a full-scale pavillion could be built. Various prototypes were built during the two-week course. The final vault took three full days, from design to fabrication and assembly.

A prize for architecture between lights and volumes: LFA Award

An international photography competition that invites photographers worldwide to capture the essence of contemporary architecture. Inspired by the work of the famous Portuguese photographer Luis Ferreira Alves, the award seeks images that explore the dialogue between man and space.

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