The idea for the show came out of a conversation they had over the summer. "After being in New York for over a decade, finishing our master's degrees in painting here [at The School of Visual Arts], and just meeting people, we realized that we know so many artists — and a lot of the most interesting work we see isn't being shown yet in commercial galleries," state Weiner and Eliassaf. "When it is, the conversation can be stilted because of the ceremonial atmosphere at openings. We had an idea to designate a time and place where we could see and talk about our work together, like we had in graduate school. Where you could wander into your friend's space and mull over what you were thinking about comfortably. I was thinking about the format of the salon, like Gertrude Stein's in Paris, but here in Brooklyn involving people we know or want to meet."

The current show, opening Saturday 9 February (in time for Valentine's day), asked artists to contribute something that revolved around the theme of "love and collaboration, in all of its permutations."

9 February 2013
Love at The Willows
Hosted by Sharona Eliassaf and Emily Weiner
37 Willow Street, Brooklyn Heights, New York

The lounge moves outdoors
Pedrali presents a collection of padded outdoor furniture designed to transform exterior space into elegant and functional extensions of the home.