The relationship between Bakker’s solid spade copper pieces such as a the Copper Soy Souce which looks like Aladdin mantle lamp, the Mixing Bawl with an uncommon handle and the twisting Watering Can (all 2009-2010) and the Jonathan Muecke Step Stool from 2011 is about “how form does not follow function”, comments Sellers, “but are still able to charm ourselves for its unexpected poetry.” Max Lamb’s Scrap Poly Chair (2011), in milk white rough expanded polystyrene and rubber, murmured to a curator’s wooden elm chair with only tree legs as the fourth one it is used as a backrest.
Why using four if you can make it with three? Impossible not being delighted by the small Salt Seller in silver and gold plating (2007) which hides the grains inside the handle till you move it, along with the Silver Oil Can (2005) and the Silver Pourer which, again, when moved downward, allows liquid to double its track in the two golden rivers.
Until 14 December 2013
Spaces in between
curated by Aldo Bakker
Gallery Libby Sellers
41-42 Berners Street, London