The result is a reflection on the effects that political situations can have on individuals’ personalities. And at the same time, it is an expression of the collective hardship currently felt by a part of the country which has been deprived of its voice. It is a unexpected, subtle yet bold work.
The installation is accompanied by a square leaflet (like the square record sleeves that inhabit the memory and imagination of a music lover), featuring a text that is only apparently enigmatic: “Eliminate direct signal,” “Hear repercussions,” “No cure,” “Face history or keep on masking it”…

Çın uses an encrypted language, as art does when it finds itself confronted by shrinking spaces of expression. But it is a way to reflects moods, to give shape to the submerged, and to take part in present history.
The Pavilion of Turkey has been organised by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV), which is also responsible for the Istanbul Biennial, scheduled for September. That will be another challenge, in these times when spaces of expression are shrinking and art must also find new energies and new, non-obvious languages.

until 22 November 2017
Cevdet Erek, Çın – Pavilion of Turkey
57. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte
Arsenale, Sale d’Armi, Venice
Advisory Board: Ali Kazma, Başak Doğa Temür, Özalp Birol, Paolo Colombo, Zeynep İnankur
Commissioner: Istanbul Foundation of Culture and Arts (IKSV)