Snarkitecture for COS

#102 At the Spazio delle Erbe, Snarkitecture has designed a cavern filled with natural light and inspired by the lightness and translucency of the SS15 COS collection. #salone15

Snarkitecture, vista dell'allestimento per Cos, Spazio delle Erbe
Inspired by the lightness and translucency of the SS15 COS collection, Arsham and Mustonen of Snarkitecture have transformed the Spazio delle Erbe into a cavern filled with natural light.
Snarkitecture, vista dell'allestimento per Cos, Spazio delle Erbe
Snarkitecture, view of the installation for Cos, Spazio delle Erbe
Visitors have to make their way through a few thousand strips of fabric just a few centimetres wide hanging perpendicularly from the ceiling. They are forced to engage with the fabric, the core protagonist of the installation, which clearly conveys translucence – the space is filled with natural light filtered through  the windows and strips of fabric – and soundproofing – there is a sense of entering an enveloping and padded space.
The two-dimensional strips of fabric, dropping from the ceiling in staggered rows, define and divide the 3D space as, via a subtractive process, the designers have carved out the space by cutting the strips lengthwise and removing material.

14–19 April 2015
Spazio delle Erbe
Via delle Erbe 2, Milano

A prize for architecture between lights and volumes: LFA Award

An international photography competition that invites photographers worldwide to capture the essence of contemporary architecture. Inspired by the work of the famous Portuguese photographer Luis Ferreira Alves, the award seeks images that explore the dialogue between man and space.

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