
Young Italian designer Alessandra Baldereschi designed for MOGG the collection of stools Donut, stuffing with straw by hand with the marsh grass.

The stuffing with straw by hand with the marsh grass (sedge still green) is an ancient art that has always been used to cover the seats, an artisan culture that belongs to Italy.
The stools collection Donut, designed by Alessandra Baldereschi for MOGG, keeps alive this art, supporting the tradition of the ancestors. The plot with the straw is interpreted in a contemporary way, the rope, made ​​of natural fibers (marsh grass), is rolled up on a padded base so to obtain a comfortable seat.
The structure is made of metal rod bent and powder coated. Donut is available in two different heights (high and low stool) and three color finishes: white, gray, copper.

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