Haze series

Korean designer Wonmin Park exhibited at D3 Contest at Imm Cologne Haze Series, a collection of table and chairs in light coloured resin.

Haze series
Basic geometric shapes seem to define Wonmin Park’s Haze Series.
The entire object gives the impression that it unveils itself in front of us through the opaqueness of its parts. But our perception deceives us when we think it begins and ends there.
Haze Series
Wonmin Park, Haze Series
Each Haze object carries within it a dissymmetry of form hidden from sight. A dissymmetry of form that is balanced out by the colours created in the unique casting process that gives birth to these objects. With its combination of form, colour, opaqueness and texture the Haze series is a balance of rationality and the self in a life where the former often dominates to the detriment of the latter. Wonmin Park's Haze series perfectly positions itself between the substantiality and insubstantiality of life.

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