Shifting between a sculptural object and a piece of furniture, this table and chair shows and reifies how social interaction in space can develop, and how it depends on a conscious decision for or against it.
The geometrical shaping of the design presents an abstraction of both a chair and a table; these are merely a possibility. Each object can either be placed on the floor or mounted to a wall, existing visually as a sculpture or utilised physically as furniture: By adding two sheets of metal the rectangular wooden structure becomes a functional table, while the addition of a leather cusion to the cubical object creates the seating of a chair.
Both furniture concepts inscribe space and describe space in a model-like way as a place defined by reciprocal interaction between object and subject, between a decision for pure aesthetics or functional use. David Hanauer's objects require that their viewer, who may become a user, positions him or herself regarding the structure within, and extending from a given space. They give the viewer the option of disregarding function, or defining a product that does not force its own use, but enables utilisation.