After completing a series of installations that combined and multiplied simple components found in Ikea to stunning effect, the studio was invited by the Swedish brand to introduce the new Ledare light bulb to the general audience.
The resulting installation is titled LEDscape, and combines 1,200 Ledare lightbulbs and 1,200 Hemma floor lamp bases in diverse heights. Like Architects have created an alternative landscape and a maze of light, while seeking to invite introspection and an individual appropriation of the installation.
At night, the lamps are lit gradually, pulsing in different rhythms. Thus light shapes the space diversely every few minutes, involving users in a game where their perception and awareness of the space — and the installation — constantly changes. LEDscape's local success was such that its initial run of a few weeks was extended through the 2012 holiday season.

Client: Ikea
Location: Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon
Elements: 1200 Ledare bulbs and 1200 Hemma floor lamp bases

Innovation and sustainability in building materials
The new range of lime-based thermal plasters by Röfix is designed to provide advanced insulation solutions.