The Coca-Cola Beatbox takes inspiration from Coca-Cola's global platform for London 2012 — Move to the Beat — a campaign which aims to bring teens closer to the Olympics by fusing sport with their enduring passion for music. The creative concept will enable people to 'play' the Pavilion through interacting with sounds embedded within the architecture itself. Visitors will be able to create their own beat for London 2012 by remixing sounds of Olympic sports captured for an anthem that is being created for Coca-Cola by Grammy award-winning producer Mark Ronson.
"We have sought out some of the most innovative engineers in the UK to work with us to realise our vision – a building with a beat" Ohrstedt says of the project developed with structural engineers AKT II. "The Coca-Cola Beatbox is a sensory experience that fuses design, music, sport and architecture. It is something that people have never seen or heard before!"

"The ETFE garlands structural stability is based upon a reciprocal frame system of three interacting cushions bracing against each other" states AKT II associate Ed Mosely. "The depth of the system means that by itself it is still unstable and it is only when the next unit of three is interfaced with it that each pillow achieves the minimum three connections it needs to become stable."

Eclisse: when invisibility art shakes up interior design
A leader in manufacturing pocket door frame systems, Eclisse redefines the concept of living space. Through solutions like Syntesis Line, the company transforms doors into continuous design elements.