The flash drive that can store 4 pages of text for two centuries

This USB device promises something we no longer associate with technology today: lasting a very long time.

Produced by Machdyne, a German company specializing in long-lasting devices, the Blaustahl Storage Device is a flash drive that defies the usual expectations. Instead of storing massive amounts of data, this device is designed for the long-term storage of just four pages of text, totaling about 8,000 characters.

All of this is possible thanks to the Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller inside and the FRAM, or Ferroelectric Random Access Memory. Made of ferroelectric material, FRAM ensures durability in both data storage and the number of read and write cycles. According to the technical specifications on the manufacturer's website, it can last over 200 years at moderate temperatures. However, it has a limited capacity of only 4 MB. A text editor is preinstalled.

Its small capacity makes it unsuitable for storing vacation photos or large backups. However, it could be useful for storing lists of passwords, private keys for cryptocurrency wallets, or for geocaching with a Logevo device. It might also appeal to those who dream of someone reading their words long after they are gone, considering that most of our files stored on various devices or in the cloud might eventually disappear.

All images courtesy Machdyne

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