– In Seoul Wise Architecture transformed a house into a small museum with a strong presence, devoted to the elderly lady taken away to the war as comfort women.
– Cebra has completed a project for a 24-hour care centre for marginalized children and teenagers in Kerteminde, Denmark: a tile and wood cladded building that plays with familiar elements and shapes to create a homely environment in a modern building that focuses on the residents’ special needs.
– The cultural centre designed by Toshiko Mori in a rural village in Senegal – commissioned by Josef and Anni Albers Foundation – features local materials and local builders to give shape to an artist residency that is also a hub for the local community.
– The first move was the restoration of the site to its natural conditions, involving the removal of conflicting features that had been superimposed. Only then did Chipperfield erect this private bungalow, ensconced in the hills with robust brick columns.
– Inspired by German Insel Hombroich’s pavilions, for this house in a small Dutch village Joris Verhoeven chose traditional materials to obtain an out of the ordinary result.
– Triendl Und Fessler Architekten completed in the outskirts of Vienna a private retreat as a introverted courtyard typology made of monolithic brick walls.
– Without using mortar, Studio Admun renovated this Tehran facade taking inspiration from Iranian vernacular architecture – where privacy is a must – combining parametric design and traditional brick construction.
– Orkidstudio completed in Kenema, Sierra Leone, a school for 120 girls. A project realised with the community that might just stand for something far more than the materials it’s built from.
– Built reusing one hundred years old bricks from a dismantled rural house, the chapel designed by Nicolás Campodonico in the Argentinian Pampa plains deeply interacts with light and shadows.
– Studioninedots designed a cone-shaped pavilion around a campfire, to welcome and encourage storytellers in the temporary FabCity in Java Island, Amsterdam.
Top: Wise Architecture, War Museum, Seoul

Enveloped by nature
Conca, by Vaselli, is more than just a hydro-massage mini pool; it is an expression of local history and culture.