
Innermost presented at designjunction the latest additions to their collection: Snowdrop by Stone Designs, Latitude by Flynn Talbot and Parasol by Jonas Forsman.

Innermost collection features three new series, presented at designjuntion.
Snowdrop, by Stone Designs, is a soft glow playfully peeks through candy-coloured veils. Each Snowdrop, inspired by flowers of the same name, drifts effortlessly in mid-air, delivering charm and character to any room.
Top: Stone Designs, Snowdrop, Innermost. Above: Flynn Talbot, Latitude, Innermost
Flynn Talbot puts the average spotlight back in the spotlight as he transforms it into a centrepiece rather than mere support lighting. A clever suspension cable allows the light to be pointed in any direction, creating a flexible light that activates the surrounding space.
Soft, gentle reflected light is cradled in a very literal parasol in Jonas Forsman’s simple design. Free movement of the shade gently guides the light to its intended use. Forsman’s designs focus on the interaction between user and product, aiming to delight through refined and balance movements.

Klimahouse 2025: twenty years of sustainability

Now in its 20th edition, the international trade fair dedicated to responsible construction, energy efficiency and building renovation will be held in Bolzano from 29 January to 1 February.

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