The president of the archipelago, Mr Anote Tong, has recently acquired a large piece of land in Vanua Levu, the second-biggest island in Fiji, where he is planning to gradually relocate all the inhabitants of Kiribati. This is the first time in history that a whole nation is preparing for a mass exodus due to the greenhouse effect.
The history of a nation on the verge of disappearance and of a whole population forced to emigrate can be both charming and terrifying. That is why Alice Piciocchi and Andrea Angeli have decided to travel the 14,593 km separating Milan from Kiribati to gather elements, experiences, first-hand testimonies and collect them in the book “Kiribati. A guide to Neverland” to help safeguard the roots and the here and now of a community.
Kiribati, a guide to Neverland
A project by Alice Piciocchi and Andrea Angeli