The buildings are characterized by the wood paneled balcony zones along the street and courtyard facades. Triangular extra storage space has been integrated into the balcony walls.
The resulting portal shape maximizes natural light in the apartments. Entrances are from semi-public courtyards that are slightly elevated from the street-level. Communal saunas and terraces are on the top floor and offer unobstructed views to the sea.
Playa Architects, Kotisaarenkatu housing, Helsinki, Finland. Left: Photo Tarja Nurmi. Right: Photo Tuomas Uusheimo
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Playa Architects, Kotisaarenkatu housing, Helsinki, Finland. Elevation
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Playa Architects, Kotisaarenkatu housing, Helsinki, Finland. Elevation
Playa Architects, Kotisaarenkatu housing, Helsinki, Finland. Ground and first floor plans
Kotisaarenkatu Housing, Helsinki, Finland
Program: apartment complex
Architects: Playa Architects (Veikko Ojanlatva, Tuukka Vuori, Sirpa Pyyhtiä)
Design Team: Marja Lapinleimu, Tuomas Raikamo, Jukka Kangasniemi, Mari Haavisto, Ulla Seppä, Jukka Sulonen, Daniel Lütolf (scale model)
Structural design: Finnmap Consulting Oy/Aulis Ranua
HVAC: Optiplan Oy/Antti Alvoittu
Electrical: Optiplan Oy/Jari Muunoja
Main Contractor: Lemminkäinen Talo Oy
Electrical: VIP-Sähkö Oy
Air: Sarjametalli Oy
Area: 5,190 sqm
Completion: 2013